Important things you teach a child

  Important things you teach a child

  1. Tell them that Failure is an Option.
  2. Tell them how to be yourself more and not try to imitate Tom Cruise(Top Gun) confidence.
  1. Tell them there's a difference between friends and drinking buddies.
  2. Tell them honesty , in all situations , is always , always , always the best policy .
  3. Tell them how to be assertive.
  1. Tell them how much your Mum and Dad really loved you .
  1. Tell them life's goal is not earning money.
  2. Tell them that home really is where the heart is.
  1. Tell them that being positive can really change your thoughts which can indeed change your life.
  1. Tell them how to say No !
  1. Tell them that the phrase ' just try it' should apply to everything we do in life.
  1. Tell them that not being perfect is okay , and ,in fact , striving for perfectionis an impossible task.
  1. Tell them that losing yourself  in a book wasn't a substitute for living.
  1. Tell them that formal education is only one option in life and not the only , or best , option.
  1. Tell them never to settle for the second best , whether it is the relationships , product choice or employment.
  1. Tell them that loving yourself is a pre -requisite  to truly loving others.
  1. Tell them that everything you ever  stressed out about would not matter one year later.
  1. Tell them that nobody can be changed , no matter how hard you try to change them . People change because the pain of changing is less than the pain of not changing.
  1. Tell them that helping others is the real path to helping every area of your own life , business , and personal.
  1. Tell them that changes are inevitable , and rather than fighting it , you should have befriended it .
  1. Tell them not to waste your time and mental energy on people who didn't matter in life .
  1. Tell them to live in the moment , and not to live in the future or the past .
  1. Tell them it's okay not to know everything .
  1. Tell them that trusting yourself would allow great things happen .
  1. Tell them that not all people are bad , but not all people are good either.
  1. Tell them that what's right for you is not necessarily right for others.
  1. Tell them that one of the life's skills is to be able to spot genuine   people.
  1. Tell them that things have come to an end to be able to  experience new , exciting things in the future .
  1. Tell them that learning doesn't finish when you leave school .
  1. Tell them that how to trust your instincts more .
  1. Tell them that the world is as big as you allow it to be .
  1. Tell them that the world doesn't owe you any favor and you have to step up to the plate  and be counted .
  1. Tell them that happiness is not defined by Financial Wealth .
  2. Tell them that needs and desires would change over time .

  1. Tell them that where you are born does not dictate  where you will end up in life .  
