
Showing posts from October, 2015

Self Care

                10 Steps to Self-Care 1) If ¡t feels wrong, don’t do ¡t. 2) Say “exactly” what you mean. 3) Don’t be a people pleaser. 4) Trust your instincts. 5) Never speak bad about yourself. 6) Never give up on your dream. 7) Don’t be afraid to say “No”. 8) Be kind to yourself. 9) Let go of what you can’t control. 10) Stay away from drama and negativity.


                  " Strong Minds  discuss ideas        Average Minds  discuss events          Weak  Minds discuss people . "                                         -Socrates

Satisfied Life & Successful Life

                        A Satisfied  Life  is Better           Than a Successful Life .            Because our Success is             Measured by Others.               But our Satisfaction is                     Measured by our Own                  Soul, Mind  & Heart .