Thoughts worth to read and Think

Thoughts worth to Read and Think

šB Never tell your problems to all , 20 % will not Care & 80 % will be glad  that u  have them .


šB Life is similar to a boxing game .
Defeat is not declared when you fall down .
It is declared when you refuse to get up .


šB Always WRONG PERSONS teach the RIGHT LESSONS in life .
That is called LIFE EXPERIENCE .


šB Everything is valuable only at 2 times :
    1. Before Getting it .
    2. After Losing it .


šB Two places are most valuable in the world :

 1. The NICEST place is to be in someone's thoughts .
 2. The SAFEST places is to be in someone's prayers .


šB FEAR has 2 meanings :



Choice is yours.

šB EGO is the only requirement to destroy any relationship .
Be a bigger person ,
Skip the 'E' and let it 'GO' .


šB Empty Pockets teach millions of things in Life .
But Full  Pockets spoil us in Million ways .


šB TRUST is like a sticker .
Once it is removed , it may stick again , but not as strong as it holds
 when  u first applied .


šB Never win People with Arguments . Rather defeat them with
 your Smile .
Because people who always wish to argue with you , cannot bear your
 Silence .


šB MEMORIES  are always Special .
Sometimes , we laugh by
Remembering the days we cried &
Sometimes , we cry by remembering the days we laughed.
That's Life

