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                                 Life              is too ironic.           It takes sadness             to know what              happiness is,                   noise to        appreciate silence,            and absence to            value presence.                             Buddha  

Self Care

                10 Steps to Self-Care 1) If ¡t feels wrong, don’t do ¡t. 2) Say “exactly” what you mean. 3) Don’t be a people pleaser. 4) Trust your instincts. 5) Never speak bad about yourself. 6) Never give up on your dream. 7) Don’t be afraid to say “No”. 8) Be kind to yourself. 9) Let go of what you can’t control. 10) Stay away from drama and negativity.


                  " Strong Minds  discuss ideas        Average Minds  discuss events          Weak  Minds discuss people . "                                         -Socrates

Satisfied Life & Successful Life

                        A Satisfied  Life  is Better           Than a Successful Life .            Because our Success is             Measured by Others.               But our Satisfaction is                     Measured by our Own                  Soul, Mind  & Heart .

Smile and Life

                    Speed is calculated as          "Miles per hour "……         But Life is calculated as         "Smiles per Hour"        So increase your           SMILE         to get extra          mileage in life.

Staying Quite

This one i liked it and i felt it so much  and so                  Staying quiet  doesn't  mean  I have nothing to say ,        It means  I don't think    you are ready to hear           my thoughts .      

Dreams in Heart

              Do not store  Dreams in your eyes ,           They may roll down with tears ………       Store them in Ur Heart ,         Each heartbeat will           inspire you to fulfill   them .

Life as Flute

           "Life is like a flute .   It may have many holes    and emptiness but if   you work on it carefully ,   It can play magical melodies ."

Inspirational Quotes of A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

                " It is very easy to defeat someone , but it is very hard to win someone . "               "Don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second , more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck . "                 " All Birds find shelter during a  rain. But  Eagle  avoids rain by flying above the  Clouds . "                "Failure will never overtake me if my definition to succeed is strong enough . "                " Man needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy the  success . "            ...

Excellent tips



What is Maturity ? Maturity is when you stop trying to change people , and instead focus on changing yourself . Maturity is when you accept people for who they are . Maturity is when you understand that  everyone is  right in their own perspective . Maturity is when you learn to  " let go " . Maturity is when you are able to drop  "expectations " from  a relationship and give for the sake of giving . Maturity is when you understand that whatever you do , you do for your own peace . Maturity  is when you stop providing  to the world , how intelligent you are . Maturity is when you focus on positives  in people. Maturity is when you do not seek approval from others. Maturity is when you stop comparing yourself with others . Maturity is when you are at peace with yourself. Maturity is when you can differentiate between "need " and  " want " and you can let go of your wants . Maturity is when...


Truth J 1 Nobody is real in this world except Mother... JJ 2 People do not like good thoughts , they like good looks ... JJJ 3 People respect the money , not the person ..... JJJJ 4 The Person you love the most will hurt you the most … JJJJJ 5 Truth is Simple , But the moment you Try to Explain it..... It Becomes Difficult..... JJJJJJ 6 When you are Happy   You Enjoy the Music... But when you are Sad    You Understand the Lyrics.... JJJJJJJ 7 In LIFE 2 things define you " your Patience" when you have nothing... & " Your Attitude" when you have everything... Little Emotional but true We miss most big things in Life But we are eligible for life's small prizes... A HUG from a Best Friend..... A Short Sleep on Mom's Shoulder... A Glorious Sunset... A Chat with one we have crush on.... A dance in rain.. J J An Ice cream in Winter.... A silent night on the terrace...

People and Things

                People were created to be loved.         Things were created to be used.                                             The reason why the world is in CHAOS         is because things are being loved         and people are being used

Secrets of Success

                                                   7 Secrets of Success I found the answers in the room Roof said     : Aim high Fan said       : Be cool Clock said     :Every minute is precious Mirror said  : Reflect before you act Window said  : See the world Calendar said : Be up-to-date Door said   : Push hard to achieve your goals .

Love and Ego

                                                The  Story of Love and Ego                       Once there was an island where all the feelings lived together . One day there came a storm in the sea and the island was about to drown . Every feeling was scared but Love made a boat to escape . All  the feelings jumped into the boat except for one feeling . Love got down to see who it was … it was Ego ! Love tried and tried but Ego didn't move . Everyone asked  Love to leave Ego & come in the boat but Love was meant to Love . It remained with Ego . All other feelings were left alive but Love died because of Ego !! . Think about it .Wonderful story. YYYYY

Pencil & Eraser

If you can't be a !  PENCIL  to write someone's happiness             then  try to be a nice Eraser  to remove their  Sadness

10 ways to love

                   10 ways to love Listen  without interrupting   abc      Share without pretending Speak  without accusing      abc      Enjoy without complaint Give  without sparing         abc      Trust without wavering Pray  without ceasing        abc     Forgive without punishing  Answer  without arguing     abc     Promise without forgetting

Success in Relationship

The key to succeeding in a Relationship is not finding the right person; it’s learning to love the Person you found.

Co-Incidence of Life

                                       CO- INCIDENCE OF LIFE TEMPLE has 6 letters , so does MASJID and CHURCH . LIFE has 4 letters , so does DEAD . HATE has 4 letters , so does LOVE . ENEMIES has 7 letters , so does FRIENDS . LYING has 5 letters , so does TRUTH . HURT has  4 letters , so does HEAL . NEGATIVE has  8 letters , so does POSITIVE . FAILURE has 7 letters , so does SUCCESS . BELOW has 5 letters , so does ABOVE . CRY has 3 letters , so does JOY . ANGER has 5 letters , so does HAPPY . RIGHT has 5 letters , so does WRONG . RICH has 4 letters , so does POOR . FAIL has 4 letters , so does PASS . KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters , so does IGNORANCE . 

Mistake in Relationship

             The greatest mistake we         humans make in our     relationships ; " We listen     half , understand quarter ,        think zero and react                  double. "


                     Love is not                 what you Say .             Love is                 what you Do .       

Solutions to Problems

      There are 3 Solutions to every Problem : Accept it, Change it or Leave it. If you can't accept it , change it. If you can't change it ,                 leave it

Woman's Strength

A woman's strength isn't just about how much  she can handle before she breaks , It's also about how much she must handle after she's broken .                                                

Important things you teach a child

  Important things you teach a child Tell them that Failure is an Option. Tell them how to be yourself more and not try to imitate Tom Cruise(Top Gun) confidence. Tell them there's a difference between friends and drinking buddies. Tell them honesty , in all situations , is always , always , always the best policy . Tell them how to be assertive. Tell them how much your Mum and Dad really loved you . Tell them life's goal is not earning money. Tell them that home really is where the heart is. Tell them that being positive can really change your thoughts which can indeed change your life. Tell them how to say No ! Tell them that the phrase ' just try it' should apply to everything we do in life. Tell them that not being perfect is okay , and ,in fact , striving for perfectionis an impossible task. Tell them that losing yourself  in a book wasn't a substitute for living. Tell them th...


      Loving someone who doesn't     love you back is like hugging a     cactus….           The tighter you hold on , the more it hurts .

Eye & I

     A small but   Excellent Thought :                      Open your Eye                          &                       Close Your " I "

Interesting things

Some things are interesting to know……….     1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes. 2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years 3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There's a 9% chance that you'll meet one of them in your lifetime. 4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger. 5. A person's height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother. 6. If a part of your body "falls asleep", you can almost always "wake it up" by shaking your head. 7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing - Food, attractive people and danger 8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side 9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odour. 10. According to Albert Einstein, ...


                                               Forget What                    hurt you in the past                         But                    Never Forget what                      It taught you .

Best Moments of Love

              Best Moments of LOVE Its LOVE When a little girl puts her energy to give dad a head massage. Its LOVE, When wife makes tea for her husband and take a sip before him  . Its LOVE When a mother gives her son the best  piece of cake  . Its LOVE When your friend holds your hand tightly on a slippery road  . Its LOVE When your brother messages you and asks did you reach home on time. LOVE is not just a guy holding a girl and going around the city. LOVE is when you send a small message to your friends to make them smile.. LOVE is actually a name of "CARE" 


                      If you want to feel             RICH just  count all the things                   You have that money cannot buy .

Fools and Wise

                Fools   take a knife and stab people in the back.                 The wise take a knife , cut the cord, and   free themselves from the   Fools

Loyal Heart

  Never   look   for   a   GOODFACE ,      it will turn OLD one day Never  look  for a GOOD SKIN      it will WRINKLE   one day Never  look for a HOT BODY      it will CHANGE one day Never  look for a NICE HAIR      it  will  turn WHITE one  day Instead , look for a LOYAL HEART       that will love you  EVERY DAY 

Mind, Body , Lifetime

                 We were all born with 3 things:                         A Mind                         A Body                    &  A Lifetime . How you use the first two determines the third.      


                      " Nobody is superior ,                Nobody is inferior , but                Nobody is equal either .                     People are simply               Unique , incomparable


Value has a value only if its  value is  valued


                                      LIFE IS LIKE                                 A BOOK.                              Some chapters are sad,                         some happy and some                         exciting. But if you never turn a page…..                       ...


                                                                  LIFE                               is the most difficult                                           EXAM .                            Many People  fail because they try to copy  others .              Not realizing that everyone has a different  question paper . ...